We move on from the book of Judges to the story of Ruth. Her story is one of love and redemption. It really is the thing of great film or novels. In it, we see the hand of God working in and through her story.
Passage: Ruth
Big Idea: God works all things for the good of those who believe.
Reading: Ruth 1
Discuss: What do you like or what is important? What do you not like or don’t understand? What do you learn about God? What do you learn about people? What is your response? Who do you need to to tell?Activity: Find a map in your Bible or online and trace the journey of Naomi and Ruth from Moab to Bethlehem. Imagine what that journey must have been like? Tell stories to one another about what you think they faced on the journey.
Reading: Ruth 2
Discuss: What do you like or what is important? What do you not like or don’t understand? What do you learn about God? What do you learn about people? What is your response? Who do you need to to tell?
Activity: Draw a picture of Ruth gleaning in the field of Boaz. Look up in the dictionary what “gleaning” was and also see if you can find any commands in the Bible about gleaning.
Reading: Ruth 3Discuss: What do you like or what is important? What do you not like or don’t understand? What do you learn about God? What do you learn about people? What is your response? Who do you need to to tell?
Reading: Ruth 4
Discuss: What do you like or what is important? What do you not like or don’t understand? What do you learn about God? What do you learn about people? What is your response? Who do you need to to tell?
Activity: Act out the story of Boaz shrewdly dealing with the “redeemer”.