Big Idea: The ordinary becomes extraordinary!

Read: Exodus 1-6
Discuss: What do you learn about Pharaoh? What do you learn about Moses? What do you learn about God? If you were the midwives (1:15-22) what would you have done? Read 2:25, how does that verse make you feel? Why do you think that was important?
Activity: Kids draw a picture of the mountain and burning bush.

Read: Exodus 7-12
Discuss: Why do you think God chose to work this way? How do you think the passover connects to what Jesus did by dying for us?

Read: Exodus 13-14
Discuss: What do you think it would have been like to be the people of Israel leaving Egypt? What do you think would have been some of the doubts and fears that they might have had?
Activity: Make some unleavened bread together:…

Read: Exodus 15-18
Discuss: What do you learn about prayer and worship from the songs of Moses and Miriam? What do you think it would be like to have that kind of experience with God as they did in leaving Egypt? What do you think about the people Israel and their response to a variety of situations?

Read: Exodus 19-20:21
Discuss: How do verses 19:3-6 differ from from 1 Peter 2:9-11 and how are they the same? How does this help you understand more about what we are supposed to be about as followers of Jesus?
Activity: Create flash cards with the ten commandments and try to memorize them.
Discuss: How do you think the ten commandments are organized? Jesus said, the Law can be summarized as “Love God and love your neighbor. Reading through the ten commandments, do you agree with his assessment? Why?

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