We enter into this week seeking to be faithful men and women like Isaac. A quiet faithfulness that honors God.
The chapter of our family story is the story of Jacob (who is renamed Israel).
Passage: Genesis 27-35
Big Idea: It is God’s faithfulness not ours that makes his promise sure.
Read: Genesis 27
Discuss: Who are the characters? What is the problem? What is the climax? What is the resolution? What is the falling action?
Discuss: How would you describe Jacob? How about Esau? (Also check out their interaction in 25:29-34) If you were trying to judge between the two, which do you think would make the better representative for God? Why?
Activity: Draw a picture of Jacob stealing Esau’s blessing or try creating a comic strip that tells the story.
Read: Genesis 28:10-22
Discuss: Summarize the story. What does God promise? How does it compare to promises that God made to Abraham and Isaac? What is Jacob’s response? Have you ever made a deal with God? How did it turn out?
Activity: Draw a picture of Jacob’s dream.
Read: Genesis 29
Discuss: Who are the characters? What is the problem? What is the climax? What is the resolution? What is the falling action?
Discuss: What do you think about this story? Is there anything that you think is weird? Who is noticeably absent from the story? How would you summarize this story in one word?
Read: Genesis 30:25-43
Discuss: Summarize this story. What is going on here? How would you describe Jacob’s actions? Who is absent from this story? How do you see this story connect to other stories about Jacob so far? What else does this tell you about Jacob’s character?
Read: Genesis 31
Discuss: How does Genesis 31:1-16 change the way you understand Genesis 30:25-43? Do you believe Jacob? Do you think he was playing his wives? What does God do in this story? Why is that so important? How does it relate to the promise that he made to Jacob back in Genesis 28?
Read: Genesis 32
Discuss: What does this story tell us about Jacob’s faith in God? Do you think he believes or doesn’t believe? What does this story tell us about who God is?
Read: Genesis 35:9-15
Discuss: Compare the promise that God makes to Jacob with the promise that he makes to Isaac (26:1-5) and Abraham (15:1-6), what is the big difference?
There’s a lot to the story of Jacob. I’d encourage you to read the parts we skipped. They’re filled with some crazy stories that seem to be ripped from a daytime soap opera. His story will continue as it intertwines with Joseph.