Passage: Genesis 26 Big Idea: Faithful and quiet obedience is beautiful. Read: Genesis 25:19-28 Discuss: Who are the characters? What was the problem? What was the climax? What was the falling action (results of the climax)? Activity: Draw a picture of Esau and Jacob. Discuss: What do you notice about Isaac in this story? Read: Genesis 26:1-5 Discuss: What is the command that God gives Isaac? Why do you think he said that? What does he promise Isaac? Does that sound familiar? Where have you heard that before? What do you learn about Abraham? Read: Genesis 26:6-35 Discuss: Does this story sound at all familiarRead More →

Passage: Genesis 12-22 Big Idea: Faith is counted as righteousness. Read: Genesis 12:1-9 Discuss: Who are the characters? What did God ask Abram to do? What happened in verse 7 that was really important? How did Abram respond? Activity: Attached is a map from the time of Arbaham. Mark each place where he goes and draw his travel route. Read: Genesis 12:10-20 Discuss: Who are the characters? What was the problem in the story? How did Abram try to fix the problem? What were the results? Do you think that Abraham acted in faith? Activity: Update your map. Read: Genesis 13 Discuss: How did LotRead More →

Passage: Genesis 11:1-9 Big Idea: We want to make a name for ourselves, but God alone is to be worshiped. Read: Genesis 11:1-9 Discuss: Who are the characters? What is the problem? What is the climax of the story? What is resolution of the problem? Activity: Kids draw a picture of what you think the Tower of Babel looked like. Discuss: Have you ever met someone famous? What do you think it would be like to be famous? Discuss: What do you think it means for someone to “make their name great’? Why do you think the people in Babel wanted to do that? DoRead More →

Passage: Genesis 6-9 Big Idea: God’s promises are forever. Read: Genesis 6:5-8 Discuss: How is humanity described here? As you think about our discussion of Genesis 3-4 last Sunday do you think this fits with the story? Why do you think people sin? Discuss: What do we learn about God? How does it make you feel to see God’s feelings described this way? Have you ever thought about God having feelings? Discuss: What stopped God from starting over? Read: Genesis 6:9-7:24 Activity: Kids build an ark out of Legos or draw a picture. List out the main characters in the passage. Discuss: What was theRead More →

Whenever I read the Scriptures, I am always shocked by the transition between Genesis 2 and 3. People in the presence of God who are totally without shame, become people hiding from God racked with shame and guilt. It happens so quickly. This moment in the family story always leaves me feeling a bit bewildered. Passage: Genesis 3 Big Idea: God covers our shame. Read: Genesis 3 Activity/Discuss: Genesis 3 reads like a drama. It’s not a cold history text but a story. List (or draw) each of the characters. What role does each play? Who is the hero? Who is the villain? What isRead More →

Welcome to 2016! We are starting out by telling our story. This story is our family story. Every good story begins at the beginning and so that’s where we’re starting. Passage: Genesis 1 and 2 Big Idea: In the beginning God… Discuss: How did your parents or grandparents meet? What is a family story that really defines your family? Read: Genesis 1 Discuss: What is the first thing that you notice about Genesis 1? What do you like about it? Is there anything that you don’t understand? Discuss: Why do you think Genesis 1 was written? What do you think is the purpose behind it?Read More →

Happy Monday! It’s the third week of Advent and we’re to be lights in a dark world. Accountability: You should be taking some time this week to evaluate your relationships (Eph 5:21-6:9). Passage: Ephesians 6:10-20 Big Idea: Stand firm in your faith in the midst of a broken world. Activity: Read the passage over a meal. Consider reading it in the ESV and The Message. Discuss: Summarize the passage in your own words. Discuss: How does reading the passage in the ESV and The Message help you understand the passage better? Does it raise questions? Discuss: What word is repeated in verses 10-14. Why doRead More →

Here’s your Monday Mission for Ephesians 5:21-6:9. Accountability: Your challenge for this week is to extend forgiveness and speak gratitude. Passage: Ephesians 5:21-6:9 Big Idea: Following Jesus impacts every relationship and aspect of our normal lives. Read: Read the whole passage over a meal. Try reading it in the ESV/NIV and also in the Message. Discuss: What do you think it means to “submit to one another out of reverence for Christ”? Discuss: What relationships does Paul touch on in the passage? What does he say about them? Do any of Paul’s commands here feel too hard to do? Discuss: Kids, how are you doingRead More →

Here’s your Monday Mission for Ephesians 5:1-20: Passage: Ephesians 5:1-20 Big Idea: Watch how you walk! Read: Read the passage as a family. Consider reading it in the ESV or NIV and The Message. Discuss: What do you think is the big idea of the passage? How would you summarize the passage into one or two sentences? Discuss: Paul lists out all kinds of different sin in this passage. Come up with real life examples of each. Are there any that you struggle with? Activity: In verse 2 Paul says to “love as Christ loved us.” Draw a picture or make a list of all the ways that Christ lovesRead More →

There have been seasons in my life where I believed that I had it all figured out. I knew how to fix everything. I had the answers. I could tell all of “those people” what they needed to do. Why? Because I had it all together. I continue to learn that I don’t have it all together. I am broken, flawed, and completely imperfect. Every morning I am reminded that I need the gospel. The older I get, the gospel becomes more and more sweet. I’m just now scratching the surface on understanding what Paul said in Ephesians 2:17, And he [Jesus] came and preachedRead More →