We continue looking at the big stories and big characters of the book of Judges with the story of Samson. Samson, was a Nazirite (https://www.bible.com/bible/59/num.6). We will be using the “Six Big Questions” again this week. These six questions allow us to study any passage in depth. Passage: Judges 13-16 Big Idea: Our heart is deceptive. Reading: Judges 13 Discussion: What do you like (or what stands out as important)? What do you not understand? What do you learn about God? What do you learn about people? How do you need to respond? Who do you need to tell? Reading: Judges 14 Discussion: What doRead More →

This week we’ll be using the six big questions for each reading. These are five questions that you can ask of any text in the Bible. They are a great way to begin the process of learning how to study the Bible and apply it to your life. Passage: Judges 11 – Jephthah Big Idea: Hasty vows bring pain. Reading: Judges 11:1-11 Discussion: What stands out to you (or what do you like)? What do you not understand (of what do you not like)? What do you learn about God? What do you learn about people? What do you need to do in light ofRead More →

Passage: Judges 6-8 Big Idea: Do not fear, trust the Lord! Reading: 6:1-10 Discussion: What had the people done that was “evil in the sight of the Lord” (verse 10)? Why do you think this is such a big deal to God? Activity: Make a list of things that distract your heart from God. Reading: 6:11-27 Discussion: What stands out to you in the interaction between the angel of the Lord and Gideon? How does God’s view of Gideon and Gideon’s view of himself differ? Why do you think that’s important to the story? What is the first thing that Gideon is asked to do?Read More →

In our trip through the Bible telling our family story we are entering into the book of Judges. Judges covers the period between the patriarchs and the establishment of the kingdom. There are some colorful characters and amazing stories. We are going to highlight a few of the more important stories over the next few weeks. However, I would encourage you to read the whole book. Read: Judges 2 Discuss: How would you summarize this chapter in one or two sentences? What is the key problem that is highlighted in the chapter? How does God address this problem? What strikes you about how God isRead More →

Big Idea: Faith is strength and courage. Read: Deuteronomy 34:9-12 and Joshua 1 Discuss: What was Moses most known for? What do you think it would be like to be known as someone whom “the Lord knew face to face”? What was Joshua known for (Deut 34:9)? How would you define wisdom? What does God promise Joshua? As you read through Joshua chapter 1 do you notice a key phrase that is repeated? Why do you think that is? Activity: Do one thing today requires you to be “strong and courageous.” Read: Joshua 2 and 6 Discuss: For both stories list out the characters, identifyRead More →

Moses has brought the people of Israel out of Egypt. They are now wandering in the desert. They could have been in the promise very quickly. But, they struggle with their faith. They struggle to trust God. We’re going to look at a few passages in Exodus and Numbers (Pastor Dan will preach from Deuteronomy, but this will set you up for it). Big Idea: God demands from us faith. Read: Exodus 16 Discuss: What were the people complaining about? What were they thinking about doing? What was Moses and Aaron’s response? How did God provide? What would your response have been? Activity: Kids, drawRead More →

Big Idea: The ordinary becomes extraordinary! Read: Exodus 1-6 Discuss: What do you learn about Pharaoh? What do you learn about Moses? What do you learn about God? If you were the midwives (1:15-22) what would you have done? Read 2:25, how does that verse make you feel? Why do you think that was important? Activity: Kids draw a picture of the mountain and burning bush. Read: Exodus 7-12 Discuss: Why do you think God chose to work this way? How do you think the passover connects to what Jesus did by dying for us? Read: Exodus 13-14 Discuss: What do you think it wouldRead More →

This week we finish Genesis. Genesis ends by looking at the story of the sons of Israel, primarily through the lens of Joseph’s story. There’s intrigue and drama. What you will notice is that there is nothing in the story that is cleaned up. It’s all messy. It’s all broken. Big Idea: What the world means for evil, God works it out for good. Read: Genesis 37 Discuss: Who are the characters? What is the rising action (the events that lead up to the climax)? What is the climax? What is the falling action (the result of the climax)? How would you describe Joseph? DoRead More →

Good morning! This coming Sunday we’re having a Sending Party for the Putalas and Wallers. So, our mission this week is to pray. After you’ve prayed, pray a little more. Then when you’ve done this, pray again. Prayer is the hard work of mission. It is the foundation upon which we build movements. Often we speak of “just prayer.” But, there’s no such thing as “just prayer.” We have access to the king, who is our heavenly father. He cares for and loves us. His desire is for us to come to him with anything and everything. So let’s pray this week. As we sendRead More →

We enter into this week seeking to be faithful men and women like Isaac. A quiet faithfulness that honors God. The chapter of our family story is the story of Jacob (who is renamed Israel). Passage: Genesis 27-35 Big Idea: It is God’s faithfulness not ours that makes his promise sure. Read: Genesis 27 Discuss: Who are the characters? What is the problem? What is the climax? What is the resolution? What is the falling action? Discuss: How would you describe Jacob? How about Esau? (Also check out their interaction in 25:29-34) If you were trying to judge between the two, which do you thinkRead More →